Transport Phenomena for Metallurgists (M.Sc.)
UMT511E (Transport Phenomena for Metallurgists)
instructed at the Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Department of I.T.U., as part of the graduate level curriculum
Differential equations, Turbulent flow, Overall material and energy balance in fluid flow, Thermal conductivity, steady state & unsteady state conduction, Heat transfer by convection, Heat transfer by radiation, Heat transfer with change of phase, Simultaneous heat and mass transfer, Similarity criteria and dimensional analysis, Chemical rate phenomena, Applications of rate phenomena theory in metallurgical operations, Flow behavior and reaction systems in metallurgical processes
The students are expected to learn:
- the fundamental connections between the conservation laws in heat, mass, and momentum
- how to formulate conservation statements in heat, mass, and momentum at multiscales from microscopic to macroscopic in both steady and unsteady modes
- how to solve analytic linear partial differential equations including separation of variables, similarity solutions, Laplace transforms, and coordinate transformations
- classic transport solutions including rotating disks, flow around spheres and in channels with heat and/or mass transfer occurring
- how to formulate multicomponent diffusion and simultaneous heat and mass transfer problems
Graduate students who pass this course will gain:
- Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics (calculus and differential equations) and physics (laws of conservations of mass, momentum and energy) to transport phenomena related to materials,
- Ability to analyze transport phenomena related to materials, by formulating the problems mathematically (into differential equations with proper boundary conditions) and solving them analytically or with the help of equation-solving tools,
- Ability to design materials processing (e.g., leaching, casting, welding, heat treating, electrolyzing, etc.) based on transport phenomena
- Knowledge of contemporary issues in transport phenomena in materials processing, e.g., computer simulation of materials production and processing.
Heat Transfer, Yunus Çengel, 2nd ed.
Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, Bergman & Lavine, 8th ed.
Heat and Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications, Çengel & Ghajar, 5th ed.
Process Heat Transfer Principles Applications and Rules of Thumb, Serth & Lestina, 2nd ed.
Chapter 3 Steady Heat Conduction, Mehmet Kanoğlu (link opens in
Prof. Biddle’s Heat Transfer Lecture Series (link opens in YouTube)