Modeling of Extractive Metallurgical Processes

UMT504E (Modeling of Extractive Metallurgical Processes)
instructed at the Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Department of I.T.U., as part of the graduate level curriculum


Fundamentals of modeling, Definition of the extractive metallurgical systems considered (roasting, smelting, leaching, precipitation, electrolysis, refining, etc.) and recognition of the problem, Determination of rate processes of the extractive metallurgy, mass and heat balances, batch or continuous process, Choosing and listing the parameters controlling the systems (particle size, temperature, concentration, pressure, gas/liquid/solid flow rates, stirring speed, current density, etc.), Constructing the model of the metallurgical system chosen by considering the related controlling parameters, Computer simulation of the models

  • Giving training of mathematical modeling and solution techniques by solving a problem, which is a macro model of a metallurgical process or a part of a process, and backed fundamentally by the principles of thermodynamics and kinetics of multi-phase reactions.
  • Getting experience of solving a problem either by using a commercial modeling software package or by writing own code.


Graduate students who pass this course will be able to:

  • Understand the importance and necessity of simulation and modeling studies in metallurgical processes,
  • Comprehend the data processing and process control,
  • Improve his/her theoretical background on simulation and modeling of metallurgical systems,
  • Support his/her theoretical background by hands-on application on a modeling software,
  • Be aware of the resulting innovations by applying simulation and modeling software,
  • Create a model of a given metallurgical process by considering the related control parameters.


The evaluation criteria to be taken into account (mid-term exam, homework, final exam, etc.) and their ratios are indicated in the course curriculum and syllabus distributed to students and posted on the website at the beginning of the semester. Each semester, the students take ​​at least one midterm exam. Apart from the exams, quizzes can be held without specifying the date. In addition to these exams and quizzes, students are subject to one final examination. Final examinations are held on the dates announced by the university in the specified place and time. Students’ semester course grades, midterm exam grades, final exam grades and the grades that the students get during the semester and the attendance criteria are taken into account by the instructor in charge of the course.

All exams and quizzes will be conducted as open-book, unless indicated otherwise.

  • Chemical Engineering Dynamics -An Introduction to Modelling and Computer Simulation
  • Y. Sohn, M.E. Wadsworth, (Eds.), 1979. Rate Processes of Extractive Metallurgy, Chapter3, Plenum Press, New York.
  • G. Bautista, R.J. Wesely, G.W. Warren, (Eds.), 1986. Hydrometallurgical Reactor Design and Kinetics, A Publication of The Metallurgical Society, Inc.,USA.
  • Butts (yazan), V. Aytekin (çeviren), 1970. Metalurji Problemleri, Arı Kitabevi Matbaası, İstanbul.
  • Peters, D. Dreisinger, 1990. Mixing, Leaching and Modelling Course Notes, Metals and Materials Eng. Dept. Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
  • C. Arslan, 1991. Modeling the Performance of Aqueous Chromium Electrowinning Cells, Ph.D. Thesis, Columbia University, New York.


… AutoDesk Fusion360

… COMSOL Multiphysics

… ASPEN Plus