Mass & Energy Balance

      MET248E Mass & Energy Balance
      instructed at the Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Department of I.T.U., as part of the undergraduate-level curriculum


Dimensions, System of Units, Conversion Factors, Process Variables, Stoichiometry, Balancing Chemical Equations, Excess and Limiting Reactants (1), Yield & Selectivity, Oxidation and Reduction, Description of Error, Precision, Accuracy and Repeatability, Measurement of weight, pressure, flow rate, Fundamentals of Material Balance Calculations, General Balance Equation, Procedure for Single-unit Process Material Balance Calculations, Balances on Multiple-unit Processes, Degree of Freedom Analysis, Recycling & By-pass Circuits, Balances on Continuous Steady-State Processes, Integral Balances on Batch, Semi-Batch and Continuous Processes, Systems with or without Chemical Reaction, Solution of sets of linear / non-linear equations: Introduction to computer aided tools for solving sets of linear equations, Energy Balances, Heat balance, Electrometallurgical Energy Balances, Simultaneous Material and Energy Balances, Examples of Materials and Energy Balances for Metallurgical Reactors

  • Create representative process flow diagrams and use them to organize systems of equations.
  • Formulate material balances to solve for compositions and flow rates of process streams.
  • Incorporate single and multiple reactions into unit operations within chemical processes.
  • Identify and calculate physical and chemical properties for compounds and approaches to estimate these values for chemical processes.
  • Derive energy balances for chemical processes and integrate with material balance calculations to solve for energy inputs and/or outputs.

    1. Principles of Chemical Engineering Processes -Material and Energy Balances, Ghasem, Henda, CRC Press, 2015.
    2. Handbook on Material and Energy Balance Calculations in Material Processing,  Morris & Geiger & Fine, 2011.
    3. Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes, 3rd Ed., Felder & Rousseau, John Wiley Sons Inc., 2005.
    4. Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering, Himmelblau & Riggs, Prentice-Hall, 2004.
    5. Solving Mass Balances using Matrix Algebra, Alex Doll.
    6. Performing Metallurgical Calculations on Computerized Spreadsheets, Alex Doll.
    7. Material Balances and Applications, Ch.4
    8. Material Balances and System of Linear Equations
    9. Conceptual Physical Science (Ch.3, Momentum & Energy), 4th Ed., Hewitt, Addison-Wesley, 2008.
    10. Pollution Prevention and Control -Material & Energy Balances, Berthouex and Brown, 2014
    11. Conservation of Mass and Energy, Whitwell & Toner, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
    12. Metallurgical Problems, Butts, McGraw-Hill, 1943.
    13. Metalurji Problemleri, Aytekin, İTÜ Matbaası, 1978.
    14. Metallurgical Engineering, Schuhmann, Vol.1, Engineering Principles, Addison Wesley Pub. Co., 1952.

Useful links

Array Formulas in Excel

Some more Links:

LearnChemE  Uni. of Colorado, Boulder

Single Unit Balances

Multiple Unit Balances

Chemical and Materials EngineeringCal Poly Pomona

Che 31. Introduction to Chemical Engineering

Mass Balance Elements


Excel Solver

Mass Balance

Reading -1

Reading -2

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